HOA Documents

Documents linked on this page are the most recent versions.

For general questions please contact the President, Chris Hohe at 630-880-8599 or the Secretary, Stephanie Johnson at s.j.johnson3806@gmail.com.

For billing questions please contact the Treasurer, Caprice Zamora at LphoaTreasurer@gmail.com.

Governing Documents

Finances & Workplan

The current P&L and workplan

Water Quality Reports

Annual Consumer Confidence Reports (CCRs) provide you with important information about your drinking water and the efforts made by the water system to provide safe drinking water.


Please complete a disconnect request form and return it to the LPHOA. Please email all documents and the checklist to the following LPHOA board members:
lphoapresident@gmail.com, VeepLPHOA@gmail.com, lphoatreasurer@gmail.com, s.j.johnson3806@gmail.com


The disconnection fee is $4,000 plus $300 inspection fee.

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